Saturday, April 16, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

Spring has finally sprung. Leaves are unfurling, flowers are blooming, umbrellas are opening. Yes, umbrellas. In China, the whiter, the better. Most women wear hats, sunscreen and carry around large umbrellas to shield every nook and cranny against the sun.

Moving was our school-wide soccer tournament. Our six schools from all over the country came to Qingdao to compete and I came out to get some sun to watch. It was a perfect day to be outside.

This tree made me happy.

My friends and our picnic lunch.

My view from the sidelines.

The little one that calls me "Brown-Jenny".

The umbrellas.

P.S. I'm regretting not centering these pictures but it's too much work to change them now.

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